Martijn Kessler


Geofictician, Entrepeneur. From an early age I became interested in the interfaces between human lives, the corporate world and the abstract world on a map. In the late seventies I refined the medium into an art-and communication form and received my first commissions to translate corporate histories and personal lives into geo-fictitious artworks. At the same time I had a business on the Dutch stock exchange. By the end of 1990, after several articles  were published in national magazines, I developed the successful concept for Company  Map workshops. We got involved in the world of change and strategy execution. Our roadmap modules have always been very well suited to create commitment and engagement in change processes. In the mean time the mapping projects for families and institutions were reaching new heights.


The studio at the Olmenhorst Estate close to Amsterdam.


Besides associative cartography, there is that indomitable urge to create geofiction in the broadest sense of the word. By means of stories, paintings and drawings. Above is a visualisation of a coast that was originally designed for an interaction project of the Society of Geofiction.

In recent years, I have been leading a rapidly developing and growing organisation.

Both in communication and art assignments, Studio Kessler is constantly moving forward. Our clients, our partners, social developments and advancing technology continuously inspire us to new ideas and applications.

Martijn Kessler