Unveiling of Terra Ernst Jona Numann on the occasion of his 70th birthday and his honorable retirement as Vice President of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands after a initiative of his wife Joyce.
The map as a whole is of course a private matter, but a detail depicts the judicial process of the Supreme Court. A fairly general story. It took a while to understand the work of the Supreme Court.
Special thanks to the lawyers Peter Steenbergen, and my second cousin Tjebbe Ettema for their contribution to this detail.
Dutchman of the year 2016 Marcel Levi received this map that visualized his career on his farewell party, leaving one of Hollands most prestigious hospitals.
A mirror of his life, his medical specializations and the promovendi he supported, everything valuable in his career and life is caught in the map. (original size A2 format) For marketing purposes we made the map unreadable. It’s Marcel Levi’s map after all!
This part of the map is fairly general, it pictures the process of thrombosis. The actual professional field of Mr. Levi .
Studio Kessler develops special art projects for individuals and organizations. Most common is the creation of associative cartography for individuals, businesses and organizations that are celebrating a special occasion.
Unveiling of a map at the Olmenhorst Estate that contains the story of the corporate and family history of Adriaan Stoop, one of the founders of the Dutch oil industry .’Het Rijk van Leven en Laten Leven’ 2015
The Srebrenica Map, The map tells the story of the Srebrenica tragedy in the Bosnian war, one of the biggest disasters in Dutch modern history
Unveiling of the Srebrenica Map in Galery Laurentius in The Hague early 2015
In some cases, workshops are implemented to extract the information that is needed to build the map. On the maps, the history, the structures, the slang and everything important that has to do with the organisation or the historic event in question is visualised.
Map made for the most illustrious and oldest student society of the Netherlands in occasion of the 200th year of existence.
Unveiling of ‘De Heerlijckheit Laman Trip in het Mauritshuis in The Hague. The map visualises the career and lifeline of Mr.Laman Trip, chairman of the board of the Royal Dutch Touring Club, ANWB (2014)
Map made in commission of Heerema Marine Contractors for its CEO and owner Mr. Peter Heerema. The map visualises the history and structure of one of the worlds biggest family-owned offshore companies. Made and offered to Mr. Heerema in occasion of the jubilee in 2013
Detail from the Heerema map