Cover of Martijn Kessler’s prizewinning entry in a planning contest about an imaginary city in the Duin- en Bollenstreek(Dune- and Bulb region). The contest was launched by the province of Zuid-Holland(South-Holland) and inspired the municipalty of Lisse to invite Martijn to give a presentation about the future of Lisse.
Traditionally geofiction has quite something in common with spatial planning. The image above is a design by Martijn Kessler for an imaginary architectural project in Lisse. The drawing is part of an integral vision of the future made by Martijn Kessler of the municipality. Most important in this vision are esthetics, social cohesion and multifunctional use of land. The vision of the future was financed by the municipality and presented in the Keukenhof. With this presentation the municipality intended to display a completely different vision on the various bottlenecks in the municipal spatial planning. In the drawing above you’ll see a solution for a planning misstep of the past. Almost none of the 1,500,000 tourists, coming to the Keukenhof on a yearly basis, visit Lisse’s shopping center because of all kinds of esthetic and infrastructural problems. In the area between the Keukenhof and Lisse Martijn Kessler projects a fun interspace meant to attract the tourists into the village. The hindering bypass severing the Keukenhof from Lisse has gone underground.